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we're a network by creators, for creators

The Nocturnal Network was founded in 2022 by StrikeTV and Krisp as a Minecraft multinetwork server. After spending several days setting it up, they failed to keep it running, and the Network died for several months before they came back together for a new purpose-- to provide all creators easy access to resources for beginning their journey. 


Since then, it has grown into a thriving community.


With easy access to editors, graphic designers, and more, the Nocturnal Network prides itself on being founded by real people for everyone who was the courage to take that first step into content creation.

We're dedicated to our community, and in turn, you.

built by the community.
no-- really. we are.

The NoctoNET and NoctoHOST programs were able to materialize despite having no financial resources initially.


The MCYT, StrikeTV, KrispLIVE, and NoctoNET community played a significant role in funding the creation of these programs, raising over $200 for NoctoHOST to get started. It's a great example of how people can achieve great things when they work together towards a common objective.

everybody should have a chance to create what they want.

Learn all things NoctoNET.

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© 2024 Nocturnal Network™. All rights reserved. 
The Nocturnal Network™ and NoctoHOST™ are under common US Trademark law.

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